Tuesday, January 6, 2009


We started tracking a band of 6 dangerous male lions. They are from the same pride and are attempting to acquire dominance in the area. To do so, only their cubs can live in the area. This is the only way they can mate with the females. They have also killed other lions who have gotten in their way. They have killed over 30 cubs at this point who were fathered by other males. They also killed a lioness who was protecting her babies. Extremely aggressive and enormous male lions!

4 of them are found together lying in a field. As the evening moved along, around dusk, they started to move and sit up. We watched from a very close distance in the Land Rover. One-by-one they came together and muzzled each other's faces. The affection and gentleness was a sight to see! They are fiercly protective of each other. One of the lions was injured and limping a bit. Appeared to be a muscle injury. Our guide said that his brothers would take care of him and bring back food if he was unable to hunt. After a short walk, he was moving better.

It was obvious they were all hungry (their stomachs were concave). Our guide, Richard, said that he was certain the 4 brothers would be heading out to make a kill. Lions hunt at night and have excellent night vision. Once again, I (Joyce) am sitting on the side of the vehicle closest to these enormous animals. They started walking in a line directly at the vehicle. I was absolutely petrified. Remember, there is no top and no sides on this vehicle. Totally open. The guide repeatedly told me to relax and enjoy the beautiful sight and not to worry. I was mortified! These lions, one by one, walked right next to where I was sitting. And I mean, right next to where I sat. They each looked at me right in the eye. I didn't want to make eye contact because I was afraid they would see it as a sign of aggression. As Richard said, they just kept walking. My heart has probably never beat faster.

We followed them for 5 more minutes thru the bush. Since the vehicles crashing thru the bush would frighten away potential prey, we drove back to camp. I was completely exhausted!

The next day, we found the lions again. They had found a big meal. I thought I would be horrified to see them eating their kill - but, I was actually glad they found something to eat and their stomachs were full. The poor, unfortunate cape buffalo, was dinner for them. Actually, will be a meal for the 4 brothers for several days. The buffalo is absolutely enormous...but, no match for 4 male lions. We have pictures that we will share with any of you who are interested. Truly fascinating and another experience that neither of us will ever forget. (At the end of the lion video, below, you will observe the camera searching a tree. Trying to get a shot of the vultures hovering while the lions ate.) The lion in the video is panting. Not because he is hot. Lions gorge themselves with food...and their diaphram becomes compressed and pushed up, causing them to pant. No room to breathe because they are so full!

We also found a pride of 13 lions. This pride is comprised of the sisters of these 6 male lions described above. We found them all piled up on top of each other and cuddling together. There were cubs approximately 1 year old, as well. Once again, we were only feet away from them. Tim sat closest to them this time. We left before the lions started to walk around...so, Tim did not get to experience them walking directly towards you! If the brothers find this pride, they will kill the cubs and potentially mate with their sisters. Rare, but it happens.

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